pollution is the contamination of water bodies, example, river, lake,
ocean, aquifers and groundwater.Over two third of Earth's surface is
covered by water, but because of the increasing of water pollution, many
state's water totally can't be used for drink, wash the vegetables or
shower. This is because the water pollution has been polluted and
contains some toxic that will effect our health or sensitive of our
Everything happened for a reason. The factor that cause water pollution also cannot denied that it still because of the human being's activities. For example:
people always like to threw the rubbish at will such as beside the
road, river or ditch although sometimes the rubbish is just nearby them.
When all the rubbish threw into the river or sea, it will pollute the
water especially the plastic which is not biodegradable. Moreover,
sometimes the turtle will in mistake for eating the plastic because they
think that it just a jellyfish. In directly, it will increase the
extinction of turtle.
2. Oil Pollution

Oil pollution is the release of a liquid petroleum hydrocarbon into the environment, especially marine areas, due to human activity, and is a form of pollution. For an example, a ship carrying large quantity of oil may spill oil if met with an accident and can cause varying damage to species in the ocean depending on the quantity of oil spill, size of ocean, toxicity of pollutant. When the oil has cover the surface of sea, it will withstand the air or sunlight spread in the sea for the local marine wildlife. As time passes, all the marine will died.
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